
Juan was a lot of things…

Juan was a “Chef”:  He added care as the secret ingredient that keeps true friendships alive despite separation, distance, or time.

Juan was a “Singer”:  He helped us all sing the song of our hearts even in times when we had forgotten it.

Juan was a “Doctor”:  He healed our hearts in moments of desperation and anguish.

Juan was a “Teacher”:  He shared his wisdom and taught us to see the beauty in every thing.

But most importantly, Juan was a “Friend”:  the toughest of all roles, he always gave us sweetness, smiles, care, advice, laughs, endless hope and so much more…

You can post some of such sweet memories, thoughts and comments about Juan in this site.  

Forever, he will live in our hearts.


  1. I met Juan, the Godfather, in the 2006 P&G IDS event for students in Bucharest.

    Juan was the sort of person that best exemplified how a job could be more than just work. He put his heart into every moment of that week, filling each day with new surprises. One day he was singing and dancing, the next he was putting on a show as an enraged CEO…

    He was passionate, humble, caring, wise and truly inspirational.

    On one of the days of that week, we had dinner at the People’s Palace in Bucharest. In that wonderful setting, Juan was presented with a reward for his lifetime achievements at P&G. Juan accepted it with tears of gratitude in his eyes. I looked around and saw everybody’s eyes glistening with the emotion of assisting to something special. It was clear by then that he was an exceptional person.

    When we got back from that week, Juan wrote us all an email. Amongst other things, he said the following:

    “Life is an act of creation, of creating you every day, every second and experience who you are and who you want to be, who you want to be in your dreamed best version of who you can be.”

    His words were backed up by his great example. He left a big impact on me and I will miss him very much. My thoughts are with his family.

  2. Carol and I were deeply saddened to learn of Juan’s passing. He was the finest of men and a true nobleman in every sense of the word. Juan was kind, caring, optimistic and able to see the positive side in any situation. He always had time for other people whatever else was going on in his life. We will never forget Juan’s support when we first arrived in Spain and how, at our wedding, he charmed our family and friends who still talk about him to this day. Among other fond memories of Juan, there are the many lunches at Quenco, taking our dogs to his finca, and his own unforgettable wedding. We had lunch with Juan during our most recent visit to Madrid in May last year. He looked older and a little tired – but as soon as he saw us, his eyes lit up and the next 4 hours flew by as we talked about our times in Madrid, the people we knew, and Juan’s plans for the future, his passion for life completely undimmed by the terrible illness that he was coping with. His parting words to us were “we are in contact”. Juan treated everyone as special but for all of us whose paths he crossed, it was Juan who was truly special.

  3. It’s always hard to find words to describe those very few people that leave such a trail in hearts of people, in their memories and in quality of their lives.

    For me Juan was strike of luck when I met him 4.5 years ago after joining IDS seminar team. Yes, I did hear lots of words about “the Godfather” but none came close to personal experience. He made me feel part of the team in an instance. His interest in me, my origin and amazing knowledge of my home country was stuning. And then there was his optimisim, passion, loughter, emotions then made me look up to him for anything as if we knew each other forever.

    I have been given a great gift of being influenced by Juan. This will stick with me forever. Thank you GODFATHER and please keep looking upon us all.

  4. I met Juan the first time some 25 years ago. We were both “young kids” with P&G. He came to Rome to learn about the new OSB that we had just implemented, for possible reapplication in Spain. I hosted him, we had dinner together, I shoed hm around in Rome… Ever since then we kept a strong relationship, althought we didn’t meet that frequently. But Juan is one of those people that you always felt close, no matter how much (or not) you met him.

    He was a true “caballero”. Gentle and graceful insight. It is amazing how much love and support he received — and still is. A creal testament to a noble spirit.

  5. It is very difficult to summarize Juan in words. Juan was, above all, emotions, Juan had an ability to touch people, to create bondings, to make everyone feel better that I have not seen matched by anyone else.

    Juan had a genuine interest in people. He listened to you, he valued you, he understood you and he made you feel it.

    There are so many memories, so many emotions, so many ways we touched my life, it is difficult to choose a few to share here.

    As with many other people, he persuaded me to join P&G. It was back in 1996 and the whole process took 9 months!!! Still, he made me a passionate of the company before I joined, he talked to my parents to reassure them that P&G was the right company for me (they still remember him) and he pulled a magic job offer from the sleeve a week before I was going to go to a consulting company.

    He was the perfect “Spanish” GENTLEMAN. A noble by birth-right, a descendant of Kings and Emperors, he deserved every single letter of the word, every day, every occasion.

    These days we talk a lot of about creating “experiences” for the consumer. He was clearly an early adopter and a master of the art. Juan was able to make an event of almost anything. Back in April 1997, we had the first WE MSD summit in Madrid for CRP. After a long day, we thought we went just for another business dinner. Instead, he had a special bus for us, gave all of us a master class on Madrid on the way to the restaurant and took us afterwards for a tour of old Madrid that many have not yet forgotten.

    He had an encyclopedic memory. He could remember everyone he had met, their names, origins, anecdotes and preferences. Impossible for many, just another proof of his passion for people for most. In exchange, everyone remembers him. I often joked that if he went to the Vatican and showed up in the main balcony people would wonder who was that person in white talking to Juan. His knowledge on almost every other matter was unrivalled: An engineer by training, a historian by passion, a Wikipedia before Internet was born.

    The one thing you could not do with Juan is to get angry with him. For a while he was responsible for SWING, one of our first attempts of centralized PC support for CBD. The PC of a Spanish team leader broke and got sent to Newcastle for repair. Somehow, it got lost. Not only that, two backups made by the team leader did not work. Still, he managed to tell the story in such incredible way (it included the laptop falling from a plane over the English Channel) that the team leader ended up laughing, knowing all his data was lost, still unable to have a bad feeling.

    Juan was never sad. Never in public, at least. Even during his illness, he taught us so many things and inspired all of us so much that it was difficult to know who was supporting whom. He even dismissed the word “patient.” It meant being passive and waiting. Instead, he was active and forward looking. Once again a role model.

    He taught all of us many things: to confront life, to live to its fullest extent, to make mistakes and recover from them, to reinvent ourselves continually, to be optimistic and make reality conform to our desires.

    His body has left us, his soul is now in Heaven and his memories, his teachings, his legacy now leave in each and every one of our hearts.

    And I will just finish with one of Juan’s favorite words, one of his trademarks, the way he would want all of us to feel right now: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFENOMENAL

  6. I have met him once – and cannot forget.
    Learnt from him so much – in that single event.
    He was a blessing in his life
    and he is a blessing now that has moved beyond….


  7. Juan was a gentleman in every meaning of the word. His grandmother was a Scottish peasant girl from Argyll and how he loved that part of the world and his Cameron heritage. He is much loved and greatly missed.

  8. I did not know Juan’s personal situation when i got to know him and immediately after i met him, i knew that i had met a person who really cares, is happy in all the aspects which come along his way and was really touching peoples life in whatever he did. Juan really touched the core of my heart and he will always be with me in my thoughts and hope he is watching though we cannot see him.

  9. Sobre o Juan nunca ninguém tinha um “mas” para acrescentar quando se enalteciam as suas múltiplas qualidades humanas e profissionais. Tendo trabalhado em alguns momentos com ele, achava interessante nunca dar um murro na mesa ou mesmo soltar algum palavreado menos cortês tão ao gosto dos falantes do castelhano quando as coisas não corriam pelo melhor. Em seu lugar, tirava os óculos que segurava na mão direita, sustinha a respiração por momentos até ficar de face rosada, respirada de novo já com os óculos e um sorriso pronto e declarava “vamos resolver isto!”. Era consensualmente um fazedor, um amigo, e porque utilizava aqui a língua portuguesa de que era exímio falante, fica este Post nesse idioma que tão bem acarinhou.

  10. Juan was one of the kindest, most inspirational people I have met. To reiterate previous comments, whenever I spoke to Juan I left with a smile on my face, aspiring to better myself having witnessed one of life’s true saints! Juan, rest in peace, you will be missed!

  11. First, I want to thank Juan for his kindness and love which he shared with me personally. Though we had only met two or three times, he invited me to be part of his “family of friends” and found a seat for me next to him at the Madrid bullfighting and explained to me the culture, art and drama of the Spanish people in one fabulous evening which I treasure! He yelled out for “More Red Wine” or “Pass the Bread” or “My friend Tony needs more cheese!” I thank Juan for creating a “force field” of trust and he invited everyone to his tranquil environment. Nothing could break his deep trust and appreciation of others.

    Second, I appreciate Juan for all of his care for people of all cultures. He saw the breath of life in each person — refrained from judging others and appreciated each person for the infinite value of being a human being, with each of our qualities, including frailties.

    He reflected on a daily basis the love, compassion and hope of the Creator to whom he returns. Wonderful!

    Anthony Y. Tsai

  12. Years ago, I had been struck by Juan’s kindness and his particular talent to take care of people, that he had demonstrated to me from our very first encounters and then on. His memory will always shine in my heart.

  13. When somebody like Juan leaves us, all of us die a little bit.

    I met Juan in 1999, and he was the one that persuaded me to leave Siemens for P&G. The fact that I could learn from him and enjoy his friendship was well worth it.

    Juan taught us business, values and a sense for living. That kind of “angels” that are among us and keep the world up and running. He was so good, that he decided to go somewhere else where he could lead us even more.

    His everlasting smile will never abandon us.

  14. Sinto muito, era uma pessoa formidável…eu que estou “sempre do lado do touro”, fiquei para sempre com a imagem dele, em Espanha a “tourear”, fez-me rir tanto que até fiquei com alguma simpatia pelo espectáculo!
    Além de que era extremamente educado, quando aqui vinha. Não tendo eu nada a ver com o trabalho dele, quando cá vinha ia sempre falar-me. Tenho a certeza que foi uma grande perda, quer pessoal, quer profissional. Que descanse em Paz!

  15. I am writing this note with the conviction that Juan is still with us, because he has left an amazing footprint in me and in several others.. Juan was more healthy that many other people I know during his disease.. he was an amazing pacient and more impressive friend during these last years. As a person, as a peer and with the reference of the family and friends he was unforgettable..! As one of them said, Juan was the closest person to a saint I have ever known!. I thanks God for having met Juan. He was and will continue being in my prayers!. GRACIAS DON JUAN!.

  16. Positivity, beauty of life and a pervasive theme of striving for Happiness along one’s path – both giving it to others and gaining it for oneself. Lots of deep inspirations I got from Juan over the many times we met. A quote from his farewell to P&G is worth reminding us of:
    “Happiness is not an end in itself. It’s more like a process, a way of living. … As important as achieving our goals is to live and enjoy the journey that lies with them”.
    Juan truly left a legacy to me.

  17. Many years passed since I met Juan… Actually, I met him only once face to face but I do remember him very well. Fortunately, I had a chance to work with Juan remotely for quite a while and that was a great experience in the early days of my career. Rest in peace Juan.

  18. This really is tragic news……Juan was one of those few people you meet in life who are truly energizing and inspiring. I think I left every encounter with him either smiling or more thoughtful.
    He always appeared well read, he seemed to know so much about everything – but when you met him you realized it wasn’t books that gave him this, it was his passionate interest in people day in, day out.
    I think i will remember him as “the teacher” as in the opening entry to this blog – he really did help me see the positivity and beauty that was out there waiting to be discovered.

  19. Juan was “Heart and Soul”. let us all carry this legacy forward, forever.

  20. Juan was a true gentleman. In all the time I knew him and worked with him he never had a bad thing to say about anything or anyone. He was always positive and respectful of the people he was working with. I will miss this attitude and Juan very much. My thoughts are with his family and close friends, may he rest in peace now.

  21. Superb text above, i did felt a temporary emptiness in my heart but then i wrote this. hope it helps us all, shared pain is less pain
    “Dead People are Invisible, they are not Absent” Said Saint Augustin. We never get confortable not seeing them but one shall quickly sense they suround us… specially a person like Juan. Juan, we will continue do our best to make you proud of us

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